As those of you who read this blog will know, I love roleplay, always have done. It doesn't matter what genre or rules, the theatre if the mind is a great release from the everyday stresses and strains of modern life.
High Fantasy Cyberpunk Characters |
I tend to find that us roleplayers get very attached to our characters, many a time I've sat in a pub with my friends (yep, roleplayers have them too) recalling the exploits of our favourite characters and their various adventures (admittedly, to the odd looks from nearby tables). Many of us also like to use miniatures to represent these (sometimes) great heroes; however, finding the right miniature, the one that really captures how you see your character can be tricky, each character is unique and many would be commercially
unviable for a company to produce.
Too niche for general production |
That was the reason I started sculpting a few years ago, to fill that niche for myself and my friends, and I'm offering the same to you, dear reader, I'm currently playing GURPS 4th edition and sculpted this for one of my friends
GURPS Character Nicholas "Rouke" Drift |
Here's the deal; you send me a description of your character (what they look like, age, height, build etc) what they're wearing and they are carrying/armed with and any concept art that might help, and I'll sculpt it to 15mm scale, have it cast (probably in resin) and send you a few copies for free.
Why 15mm, rather than 28mm or 32mm??? Well, firstly, I'm not a professional sculptor, I do this for fun, in my own (very limited) time and 15mm is a scale I like to use. Secondly, 15mm is very forgiving to an amateur, my sculpts can't compete in the 28mm arena, with so many great sculptors out there. Thirdly, there is so much more 28mm stuff out there, if you look hard enough, you will find something that suits your needs and last, but by no means least, 15mm is a great (but currently underused and overlooked) scale, when weapon ranges come into play it's much easier to use a smaller scale and still have a usable playing area, it's a scale I would like to see expand, both for roleplay and wargaming and a scale I would like a new generation of players to think about using for their hobby needs.
selection of GURPS characters |
- Nothing in the miniature production process is quick, these things take time, you won't receive your miniature straight away, and my time is quite limited. Please don't chase me, I'm doing this for fun (and for free)
- I won't ask my mould makers or casters to breach IP, so please don't ask me to sculpt anything that would do so
- I'll maintain sole casting rights and rights to sell additional copies, although the IP to any background you provide along with any artwork and the inspiration behind the miniature will remain yours (although I will require that you allow me to use such details/artwork on my blog and for any marketing purpose) and you'll be credited to you in any future sales material/media produced.
- preference will be given to Sci-fi/cyberpunk style miniatures (as they are what I'm most passionate about); however, fantasy will also be welcomed
- this is not intended to be a way for someone to get a new range of miniatures sculpted for free, please don't ask me to do a range of miniatures for you as part of this offer (I'm happy to take commissions separately, if they peak my interest, but that's a different matter). Only one miniature per person.
- If you don't want your miniature to be used in future sales (i.e. you want it to be unique to you), I'll send you the original sculpt. However, this will not provide you with any casting rights to the miniature - for this I will charge a flat rate of GBP50 + p&p - this is not really the purpose of this offer, which is why I will charge.
- if you would like the original and full casting rights, I will deem this a commission and require my usual rate of GBP7.5/mm +p&p (bottom of foot to top of head for a humanoid character) - again, this is not really the purpose of this offer, which is why I will charge.
- I will have final artistic interpretation of your miniature (based on the information you provide) and may need to change a few details to allow for casting, if you are unhappy with the final sculpt I will keep it for my own use/production (thus, you will have lost nothing) and will not hold any rights for the use of the the background/artwork provided.
- The only cost I will ask you to pay will be for post and packaging, this will (of course) vary depending on your location.
- I have no idea how popular this offer will be, as such I am placing a time limit on it to the end of the month (30th November 2015) to see what happens - If it goes well, I might extend it a bit.
Apologies if the above seems a little draconian; however, I am trying to manage expectations, whilst providing a service to my fellow roleplayers as well as have a little fun into the bargain.
Look forward to hearing from you
Until next time, have fun and keep gaming
FCLabels: 15mm sci-fi, 15mm sci-fi mould making and casting, GURPS, Roleplay