A Study in Green

A Study in Green: September 2014

Saturday, 13 September 2014

A few more WIP's

Here are a couple of extra greens that are very much in the WIP stage, there is still a lot if work to do on them, but hopefully they will give you an idea of where I'm going...

First up, we have an elven female in a long ball gown, armed with a heavy pistol.

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Friday, 12 September 2014

A couple of WIP's

Well, that's me pretty up to date now (thanks for reading so far). I said in a previous post I would be popping up a couple of new greens I have been working on.

Here is a dwarf fighter armed with two cyber arms and a katana

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Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Where we are now.....

Well, we're pretty much up to date now, in the next few posts I'll be putting up photos of a few of the WIPs I've been working one recently. But first, I said in my last post that I had sent some of the cast miniatures to a couple of highly talented painters to take a look at.

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Sunday, 7 September 2014

T minus 1 month...

Ok, so where are we, I've sculpted my 25 minis, had them cast, so I guess I best show you what I ended up with....

Well here we are, this is my current selection of orcs and dwarves (albeit via some seriously bad photography!!).
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Saturday, 6 September 2014

Last set

Well, not really, but the last few greens from my first batch of sculpts of which I have photos (there will be photos of the casts of the missing miniatures in later posts).

In this first photo we have (1) an Orc armed with a mini-gun, (2) an Orc ganger armed with two pistols (3) an Orc ganger with a pump action shotgun and (4) an Orc bodyguard armed with 2 pistols

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Friday, 5 September 2014

A few more greens.....

Following on from my last post, here are a few more greens from my first lot of sculpts

First up we have an Orc sheriff, he has a badge on his belt, but it doesn't show up too well on the photo I'm afraid.

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Three months ago....

Ok, so the last few posts have flown over my very limited sculpting from the last couple of years, I've done the odd few bits and pieces, but nothing to any great extent.

However, having decided to sculpt a range of post modern/high fantasy figures in 15mm scale I decided to throw myself into it and actually got quite a few sculpts done (25 in total) in a week or two. Whilst I do intend to do a large selection of races and a few monster critters, I decided to start with my two favourite races, orcs and dwarves.

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Thursday, 4 September 2014

15mm sci-fi - Under Starters Orders...

As discussed in my earlier post, I've fallen back in love with sci-fi but have been disappointed with the lack of miniatures for my favourite genre, dystopian post modern/high fantasy, so have decided to sculpt my own.

We are now around a year on from my last post, during which I've had (or my partner has) a beautiful baby daughter so I've been too busy to push much putty around. 

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One Year Later.....

So, fast forward a year from my previous post and life has changed dramatically. My divorce has come through, work has eased off a bit and my new partner is about to give birth to a beautiful daughter.... Things are going pretty well (which maybe accounts for the lack of sculpting in the interim - I tend to sculpt more when I'm stressed).

"Down on his Luck"
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First post......

I've been sculpting for two or three years now on a very as-hoc basis, but until recently have only made a couple of original greens.

I've now fallen back in love with 15mm sci-fi but have been frustrated by the lack of models in the genre that interests me most, that being "post modern/high fantasy", so I have started sculpting a few of my own miniatures to fill that gap.....

But more of that in future posts, here I want to introduce the first sculpt I made back towards the end of 2011. He is a 28mm fantasy barbarian. At the time I was having a rough time at work and was recently seperated from my wife and thought doing something creative might help alleviate the stress/pent up anger I was feeling at the time, well it worked, so I have continued to use sculpting as an outlet for these feelings.

First go, was rather pleased....

Read the big picture...
